Windows - CD/DVD Tools

Easy Music CD Burner v3 0 61 [h33t][Foo]

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Name:Easy Music CD Burner v3 0 61 [h33t][Foo] torrent

Total Size: 6.46 MB

Seeds: 0

Leechers: 0

Downloaded: 35

Torrent added: 2009-08-27 16:58:33

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Easy Music CD Burner v3 0 61 [h33t][Foo] (Size: 6.46 MB) (Files: 5)


0.02 KB

 Easy Music CD Burner v3.0.61.txt

0.87 KB


6.23 MB


48.00 KB


178.50 KB

Torrent description

Easy Music CD Burner v3.0.61

Online demo

Easy Music CD Burner is an easy-to-use Music/Audio CD Burning software for windows.

You can burn Music CD directly from MP3 / OGG / WMA / WAV files with just a few clicks.

You can enjoy your music CD on your stereo.


1. Unzip, unrar and install program.
2. copy crack folder into installation directory.
3. Enjoy

Uses MP3, OGG, WMA & WAV files

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